Friday, July 26, 2024

Sons of Neptune Complete Series Box Set Now Available Worldwide

The Sons of Neptune Complete Series Box Set is now available globally in a packaged ebook set and on sale for dsicount of 50% off. This is to celebrate the upcoming release of the new Angry Galaxy book: The Starship Mantis (now on preorder for Tuesday release).

If you haven't yet tried it, here's your chance to read the story at a discount. Regularly $19.99, now only 9.99 (or equivalent in all countries). All 4 books are included in the ebook Box Set. Below are some of the popular links for Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Kobo, Google Books and all regions of Amazon. The Sons of Neptune Box Set is sale priced globally from now until August 5 on the planet Earth (may not be available on Neptune or any Starbases).


Reading is a gift that takes you to another world. Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

New Book Releases in 2024 - Update on Angry Galaxy 3 and Whisper Killer 4

Angry Galaxy 3: The Starship Mantis will be on sale July 30 and available for preorder next week, only a week away! And Whisper Killer 4 will be out later this fall. The delays are due to the editing and publishing process... and we want to get it right. It will be worth the wait!

Sam and Bohai will face off with 2 new enemeies, and later Jack will find truth in strange places.

More details will be posted soon, with previews and links.

Stay tuned, everyone.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

New Book Releases for July and August 2024

Angry Galaxy 3: The Starship Mantis will be on sale July 30, only 2 weeks away! And Whisper Killer 4 will be out later this summer.

Mantis moved to JULY 30 (stay tuned for links).

More details will be posted soon, with previews and links.

Stay tuned, everyone.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

2024 Will be the Year of the 4th in Books

2024 will be the year of the 4th book(s). Whisper Killer 4 and later Angry Galaxy 3 and 4. (Angry Galaxy 3 is next, due to be released in June).

It may be a good year for horror and sci-fi reading; certainly a busy one. Countdown to 4. Hope everyone has a good New Year! 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Trailer for The Scream Collector, a First Look

Something fun, we put together a trailer for The Scream Collector. The New book comes out later this week, on the 15th in the USA and Canada and by the 18th in all other countries.

Enjoy the teaser. (press the play arrow below)

Set in 1979, four boys and an old woman must call upon something from the underworld to stop a deadly killer in the town of Eden Grove.

Search your favorite bookstore or local Amazon site for The Scream Collector, or click below:

Monday, July 31, 2023

New Standalone Horror Novel in August: The Scream Collector

We're less than 2 weeks away from the release of The Scream Collector, a new novel that starts in 1979 in a small town in Illinois where people are going missing...

If you call into the dark, beware... something might answer.

In the small town of Eden Grove, people are going missing. A stranger is taking them, one by one.

Only four boys know why he is here and what he wants. 

Because they led him here.

Now, to fix their mistake, they must seek out the town recluse, a woman they fear most. With her help, they will call upon something inhuman and try to manipulate it into stopping the killer before more are taken.

For Lucas and his friends, courage won’t be enough to force a battle between two evils and save the people of Eden Grove. It will take cunning and deception. They must step deep into a dark and malevolent world. The fight will test their hearts and minds and challenge everything they believe.

Can four young souls take down a supernatural killer?

Time is running out as the abductions continue.

To reach the light, they must cross into the dark once more.

A new horror thriller from the bestselling author of

On Gravedigger Road and The Whisper Killer.

The Scream Collector

352 pages, available August 15 at Amazon, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, and Google Books;  Aug 18 at all other venues including your local bookstore. Paperback, Kindle and all ebook formats.